50 low-traffic neighbourhoods

in Brussels
by 2030
for a better quality of life

What is a low-traffic neighbourhood?

A low-traffic neighbourhood is an area which encourages local and active mobility, and makes public transport easy-to-access, thanks to changes in traffic management. Motorised traffic that drives directly through the neighbourhood is discouraged, while the quality of life of residents, visitors and all those who work there is a top priority.

Discover the characteristics of low-traffic neighbourhoods
Biker moving on empty place

Benefits of low-traffic neighbourhoods

Low-traffic neighbourhoods have many advantages that benefit everyone! Reduced traffic creates better road safety for all, making walking or cycling more enjoyable. Thanks to improved public spaces, people can enjoy a more social atmosphere and better quality of life. A decrease in air pollution also makes it easier to breathe, while lower noise levels contribute to lower stress levels and better sleep.

Discover the benefits of low-traffic neighbourhoods
Tramways next to the Schaerbeek station


Low-traffic neighbourhoods Parvis St-Gilles is finally adopted on July 11, 2024. More info on the website.

Go to the website
LOW-TRAFFIC NEIGHBOURHOODS Parvis St-Gilles circulation plan

Throughout the Brussels region

The Good Move plan aims to create 50 low-traffic neighbourhoods across the Brussels region. Once districts have sent in their proposals, five new neighbourhoods will be chosen every year. The low-traffic neighbourhoods for 2021 and 2022 have already been selected and have started their transformation.

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  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • Study phase
  • Execution phase
  • Redeveloped neighbourhood
  • Stand-by